We believe that long-term success depends on the ability to meet customer needs and contractual requirements, and ensure reliable, efficient and respectful management of the environment of our production and distribution cycle, with a view towards long-term sustainability.

To meet these goals, Oximet has put in place and maintains an EN ISO 9001-compliant Quality Management System, integrating it into our corporate management. We have also implemented an Environmental Management System, in accordance with EN ISO 14001, and integrated this with the aforementioned systems.

ISO 9001

Product Quality

Oximet's mission is to ensure maximum customer satisfaction at all times, guaranteeing effective service in full compliance with applicable standards and regulations, for the development and production of tin(IV) oxide, with the supply of “made-to-measure” products to meet the needs and requirements of customers famed and renowned for their own applications.

Respect for the Environment

Oximet is renewing its commitment to sustainable development and to the prevention of environmental pollution, aiming to achieve continuous improvement of its performance, with the goal of protecting the environment.

The company's management invests in human and technological resources to reduce our environment impact, maintaining a process of improvement which has the goal of achieving visible and measurable results year-on-year, both with regard to the company's own activities, and in terms of the entire lifecycle, including the upline and downline processes.

Oximet S.r.l. is committed to maintaining a certified environmental management system, safeguarding natural resources and complying with all applicable environmental rules and regulations.

Respect for Human Rights and the Right to Work

Oximet has identified its human capital as being the company's most valuable strategic resource: the presence of qualified personnel, their continuous professional development, ever-increasing awareness of the environmental impact of their activities, and their motivations are therefore considered essential prerequisites.

With the adoption of the SA8000 management system, the company has committed to all corporate social responsibility requirements provided for by the standard, national legislation in force which is applicable to the sector in question and the company's own operations, and the provisions of international instruments expressly referenced by the standard.